How It Works

The YDE™ Model

If you want to extend Your Dealer Experience beyond the one-time transaction, the desired connection must begin with the vehicle sale. Should your customer have access to all of their purchased F&I products in one unified digital location (even if multiple F&I administrators exist), access F&I service when needed, explore and purchase any F&I product still available after the vehicle purchase, stay connected and informed regarding their selling dealers' services via push notifications and be rewarded for their loyalty all in one dealer branded app?

Single Point of Contact

If you are not intuitively on your customers smartphone then you are not connecting with them in a meaningful way beyond the point of sale. Unify and simplify Your Dealer Experience where it matters most.

Earn revenue & relationships

Simply put Your Dealer Experience in your customers hands on their smartphone to keep the relationship connection alive beyond the one-time transaction.

Retain More Customers

Business is built on relationships…right? Good log-standing relationships require desired and relevant communication to thrive. Intent matters but so does intelligent process too.

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