FixedOps Parts/Labor Warranty

Automation Process

Strategic DX has developed an advanced process automation to capture a true parts/labor limited warranty on every customer pay RO*. (*Guidelines are in place to automatically excluded regular maintenance and additionally any other administrator and/or dealer selectable op codes to exclude.)

Our automation includes:

  • DMS programming to add the administrator's parts/labor limited warranty to every customer pay RO and automatically adjust the parts cost of the repair.
  • Customer receives a digital copy of their parts/labor limited warranty.
  • DMS integration to capture all the data associated to the ROs that included a parts/labor limited warranty for the administrators’ use.
  • Claims automation leveraging administrator defined digital rulesets, when service is needed.
Our automation includes:

Learn How

It’s your customer and should always be your relationship.

How does this succeed? The service advisor simply does their job, other than disclosing to their customer that the repair includes a parts/labor limited warranty, so the customer is aware (and it’s clearly disclosed on the RO too). It’s a value-add proposition for the dealer. The parts/labor limited warranty is automatically added to the RO. The parts price(s) are automatically adjusted. The warranty data is digitally captured for the administrators’ use. The customer automatically receives a digital version of the warranty. There is a process automation for claims, when they occur. People and products matter…but so does intelligent processes. Ready to extend F&I beyond the one-time transaction? We are.

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